Comprehensive diagnostic service

Professionalism. Complexity. Innovative approach. Rapidity.

About us

Whether you keep livestock or pet animals, we can offer you a wide range of services, from basic diagnostic tests to serological and the latest molecular biological methods.

Our mission

We believe that complex testing of animal stocks and veterinary problems is essential in order to achieve long-lasting and successful progress. As part of this, we aim to provide animal production farms and our veterinary colleagues with professional expertise and the support of our diagnostic laboratory.


The main activity of the Marek Lab comprises veterinary diagnostics of commercial livestock. We offer our clients a comprehensive and continuously expanding range of diagnostic services for poultry, pigs and cattle. Our modern laboratory facility brings together all the relevant diagnostic services: pathology, microbiology, serology, virology and molecular biology.

Our services & strengths

Complex diagnostic, supervisory and consultation service for vets and agricultural producers
R&D projects
Conducting tests during the laboratory stage of research and development of veterinary preparations
Sample pick-up service
Laboratory stage of clinical trials
(field studies) of veterinary
GLP and ISO17025 accreditation since 2020


Sürgősségi vizsgálat

Laboratóriumunkban lehetőség van sürgősségi vizsgálatot kérni a beküldött mintákra. A sürgősségi vizsgálati igényt kérjük előre jelezni. Ebben az esetben a beérkezett mintát soron kívül vizsgáljuk és a beérkezésétől számítva 48 órán belül eredményt állítunk ki.

Sürgősségi szolgáltatás csak PCR és ELISA vizsgálatok esetében igényelhető. A sürgősségi vizsgálat esetén a listaárhoz képest 50%-os felárat számítunk fel.


Vízmikrobiológiai vizsgálatok

Laboratóriumunkban lehetőség nyílt vízminták átfogó mikrobiológiai vizsgálatára. A teszteket a Magyarországon jelenleg hatályos, nemzetközi szabványokban leírt módszerek alapján hajtjuk végre.


Salmonella testing

We are pleased to announce that as of May 2021, it is possible to perform bacteriological testing of samples in our laboratory as part of the Salmonella National Control Program.


Our new production laboratory unit

Funded in part by the government-sponsored Healthcare Industry Support Program, launched in 2020, we are now establishing a cleanroom production facility for the manufacture of antigens for human and veterinary vaccines.

Following certification, the new facility will be capable of producing the active ingredients or critical reagents of vaccines that are under development or already registered. The development will allow us to contribute to the growth of domestic vaccine production capacity.